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Here you will find information about ICON and how the diagnostic hardware communicate the status of the ongoing diagnostic process by using colours.

You can also read about the diagnostic tablet, available adapter cables and get information about the lighter diagnostic tool CLASSIC.


ICON is a great diagnostic tool for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Driven by what mechanics need, both now and in the future.

ICON is packed with functions that enable you to plan and perform service more quickly, from the moment that the customer enters the workhop, to diagnosis and repair and to the customer leaving your workshop. This is made possible by functions like AutoVIN, Secure Gateway and Quick Connect Bluetooth, to mention a few.

ICON shall be used together with the Autocom software CARS and TRUCKS. With a comprehensive and ever evolving database, CARS and TRUCKS has an ideal width and depth. With 23 different electrical brands, 64 vehicle brands in total and more than 39 000 unique system selections, ICON, CARS and TRUCKS give the user a great diagnostic solution. The mechanic can effortlessly identify the majority of car makes, models and problems.

Technical specification

Dimension: 190 x 52 x 17mm
Ambient temp: -20°C to +40°C
Operating temp: -20°C to +70°C
Weight: 410 g
Nominal power supply: 12 Vdc or 24 Vdc, max 500 mA
Tolerance: 6 Vdc to 35 Vdc

Multicolor indicator

Steady light when power is on
When USB is connected or a Bluetooth/WiFi*-link is established
During active diagnose session green/blue (50%)
Diagnose with lost PC-link
Green/blue flashing
Lost PC-link is only indicated during an active diagnose session
Warning sound
Low battery
Current colour/ red flashing
White, blue, green or yellow, depending on the current

Warning sound
Flight Recorder 
Flashes when the recording is started
Confirms at start/stop
Flight Recorder start
Flight Recorder session started, but not logging data
Confirmation Flight Recorder start
Flight Recorder stop
Stops Flight Recorder session
Confirmation Flight Recorder stop
Flight Recorder data is logging 
Yellow running
Flight Recorder data logging - no valid respond
No valid respond from vehicle
Warning sound! No valid data
Flight Recorder trigger
Push button to set marker
Confirming Flight Recorder trigger
Low voltage - warning for low battery
USB: 5.5V
Bluetooth: 11.2 V at 12 V and 22.4 at 24 V

* WiFi is only available for ICON. Not for CLASSIC.

Diagnostic Tablet - Dell Latitude 7220

Peak performance with military-grade durability

Tablet suitable for any vehicle workshop

  • Protection against dust, dirt and fluids
  • Full sunlight viewable screen
  • Military grade durability
  • Powerful technology
  • Rugged

  Technical specification

  • Screen size 11,6”
  • Resolution 1920 x 1080
  • 1,33 kg
  • OS Windows 11 Pro
  • IP-65 rated
  • Intel® Core™ i5
  • RAM 8 GB
  • Hard drive 256 GB, SSD

Click here for information how to configure the Diagnostic Tablet for the first time

Configuration of Diagnostic Tablet - Dell Latitude 7220

Click here for information how to configure the Diagnostic Tablet for the first time

Adapter cables

For several older vehicle models, specific adapter connectors might be needed to connect to the 16 pin OBD socket in the vehicle. Please contact your local distributor if you need Autocom adapter cables.

NOTE! Warranties will be invalid if using any other adapters than Autocom adapters.


CLASSIC (f.k.a. CDP+) is a user friendly, fast and easy-to-use diagnostic tool. You can read and erase fault codes, make adjustments and activations, turn off the service light and more, on both old and new vehicles. After several years on the market, the construction of CLASSIC is stable, the design is timeless and it is a very reliable diagnostic tool.

The diagnostic unit has built-in interfaces for most communications available on the market that are used for OBD (On Board Diagnostic).

Connection to PC takes place using any of the alternatives USB or Bluetooth.

CLASSIC is to be used with Autocom software CARS.

Technical specification

Dimension: 180 x 85 x 30 mm
Ambient temp: -20°C to +40°C
Operating temp: -20 to +35° C
Voltage: 6-36 V
Max current: 500 mA
Weight: 480 g

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